Thursday, December 5, 2013

We have World Peace summits, The United Nations and the Peace Accords. But do the (Leaders) on this planet really want world peace ? The United States is not in a war against China or Russia or any of the other countries that mass produce weapons for the Worlds Enemy. The real sad part is that those who Profit from these weapons sales will never see those killed by them. They will never know the hardships they have caused  Millions. While they sit in their Mansions enjoying all the fine things in life, Innocent people die. Why is it that none of those who hold seats in the United Nations address this problem ? Are War Profits so important that we on this planet should just give up on the concept of World Peace all together. As for me, I haven't given up. I still have faith in the average man on this planet to someday do the right thing and force our leaders to do what ever to stop the trafficking of weapons.

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